I'm Rakshit Naidu and I am a Masters in Information Technology (MSIT-PE) student at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). (Just graduated in Dec 2022!) I was a Research Engineer at OpenMined where I worked on Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PPML). My research interests hover around Ethical Machine Learning, Resposible AI and Trustworthy AI.
I’m always open to discussions and I'm incredibly passionate about mentoring students or receiving mentorship from senior experts in my field of interests. If you have any queries related to my work or a potential collaboration, or if there's any possible way I could guide you, please feel free to connect with me or drop me a mail.

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Research Interests

  • Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PPML)
    • Differential Privacy
    • Federated Learning
    • Secure Computations
    • Adversarial Machine Learning
  • Explainable AI
    • Interpretable Machine Learning
  • Fairness
  • Robustness
  • Quantum Machine Learning (QML)